Why Are We Offering Only Student Ministry on Wednesday Nights?

Merge2We have in the past emphasized the children’s ministry somewhat more than ministries to other age groups. We were doing 3 ministries directed toward directly discipling our children (Sunday morning groups, Kids Church, and Family Min.), which was keeping us from directing discipleship efforts in other very needed and neglected areas of ministry. Therefore, Wednesday nights will be used to build a church-wide outreach and discipleship program for students, middle schoolers and high schoolers, which we were not able to do effectively with so many other programs going on simultaneously. The other reason for this change is that we want everyone in our church family, kids and adults alike, to be free to be a part of our church’s small group ministry.

No believer was created or intended by God to do life alone. We all need Christian relationships! And for that reason, we want to encourage all of our families to redirect their time and energy into being a faithful part of our small group ministry. Some of our church families have not felt free to be involved in groups or volunteer with our student ministry, mainly because of so many other responsibilities from other programs being offered. Hopefully this programming change will free many of them to be involved; in which they can be a part enabling these new ministries to happen!

So I would really like to encourage everyone to be sure to join a group! Group life and relationship building is so important for a Christian! In group life, the whole family can experience environments for relationships to be built among all ages! Kids and adults alike love group life! When you join a group, you get to know people who are very much like you, experiencing the same life circumstances you are! Through a good group environment, you can begin to understand, along with your whole family, that we were not meant to do life alone! We need encouragement from fellow believers! And groups help us learn that and enable that! We hope all of you either have joined one or will do so soon!